“I need to keep my dog and cat separated (at least sometimes)… but I don’t know how!”


If you’ve ever rolled your eyes at the super helpful advice to “just put up a baby gate” - this guide is for you.

Maybe you've had trouble designing a barrier setup that simultaneously…

☮️ fulfills your animals' need for safety and stress-free safe spaces

🏠 works in your home's unique layout

🧘‍♀️ gives you peace of mind that you're starting off your journey to coexistence on the right foot

Don’t despair!

Inside “The Gate Guide” you’ll find:

  • barrier recommendations for different types of spaces

  • step-by-step instructions for how to find the right barriers for you and your “separation goals”

  • and examples of some unique barrier options that address some common barrier issues that plague multi-species households

Fill out the form below to get instant access.

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