"Gimme space, cat!"

We can all get a little cranky as we get older and that goes for our pets as well. When animals start dealing with ailments such as arthritis that cause pain and discomfort, is easy for them to find triggers in things that were no problem before.

That’s the situation with Lara’s dog Bowie, who’s arthritis has caused some steps backward in his relationship with Neptune the cat. Before, they were coexisting peacefully and now, Bowie wants Neptune to stay away from his space!

So what can Lara do to help Bowie relax again and see Neptune as something completely unrelated to his aches and pains?

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Key Moments

[00:32] The Cast of Characters: Bowie and Luna the dogs, Neptune the cat

[04:04] The theory: Bowie associates Neptune’s presence with pain

[06:15] Setting up a more relaxing environment for Bowie

[10:22] Helping Bowie remain calm when Neptune is around

[14:40] Can’t we just treat the pain?

[16:29] The next stage: Setups!

Resources I Mentioned:

Super Bowls - Leslie McDevitt

Intro to Super Bowls - my version

If you want to be awesome like Lara and book in for a Dog and Cat Chat, click here to reserve a timeslot!


Kids, and dogs, and cats... oh my! - with Jen Shyrock


The Dog Puts the Cat's Head In His MOUTH!